happy thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!!! There is something so precious to me about gathering around the table at Thanksgiving time and expressing our love and appreciation for each other, and for all the blessings that God has given us. This year, I have so much more to be thankful for.
I have an incredibly grateful heart toward my family who have taken numerous days off of work the past several months to be physically here for me when I needed Jesus with skin on. They have nursed me and encouraged me and made me laugh in the midst of some not so fun times. They have gathered so many times around me to pray for the pain to be gone, for the dizziness to be gone, for the cancer to be gone! And each prayer has been another victory, as God has shown His love and healing power for the little things as well as the huge ones.
I have a close circle of friends who have been up at all hours of the night standing in the gap when I didn’t even have the strength to stand. They, along with my church family, have been solid as a rock showing so much love and support for us with meals, cards, texts, pictures, scriptures and did I mention meals? What a great blessing each gesture has been.
And my thankfulness would not be complete without thanking God Almighty who chose this trial, and then provided everything I would need ahead of time to get me through it. Faith, Peace, Hope, Love just to name a few, and then there is the BIG ONE: Healing. I’m thankful that my last scan showed that one of my tumors was reduced down to 75% and the other 90%. I’m thankful that while I have testified of His healing power from day one, God has been showing up and doing the healing inside my body that will continue to lead to an incredible testimony.
This holiday season I am enjoying life to the fullest, and I am grateful on a whole new level. I cherish every single hug I get from my nephews and nieces. I get tears in my eyes when my grandchildren kiss me on the cheek. I am basking in the fact that life is fragile and it is not guaranteed that we will always be here to enjoy it. I am thankful for having the strength to get out of bed. I’m thankful when I can stand up long enough to do a few dishes. I’m excited when I have enough energy to help tidy the house.
Hug your family a little tighter today, and be grateful for all the things we take for granted.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.